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Statement issued by CPI/ML Gen. Secretary, K. N. Ramachandran on the Oslo terror attack

by CPI/ML, 25 July 2011

The following was the statement issued by our Gen. Secretary, K. N. Ramachandran on the Oslo terror attack

The Oslo attack is dubbed as an action of a deranged person by the imperialist media and its extensions. He is a Christian fundamentalist with definite fascist thinking. If he is termed a mad man, then the media will have to call all fascists including Hitler and Mussolini and the then Pope who supported them as mad men. Will they do that? Oslo attack reflect the growing fascist tendencies in Europe and North America and the role of the imperialist media, fundamentalist Christian groups, and the ruling imperialist establishment in promoting them. Similarly the Hindu fundamentalists in India and Islamic fundamentalists all over the world along with other religious fundamentalists of all hues, serving imperialism directly or indirectly, are engaged in fomenting fascist tendencies,leading to the Gujarat pogrom in India in 2002 , present Oslo attack and so many such terror attacks. The role playes by imperialism, especially US imperialism, the religious fundamentalists of all hues in these should be clearly understood and these reactionaries should be exposed and struggled against.



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