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ICOR Resolution: Active Resistance against Imperialist Nuclear Policy!

Resolution of the ICOR, 20 March 2011

ICOR Resolution

Active Resistance against Imperialist Nuclear Policy!

20 March 2011

On 11 March 2011, an earthquake of an unprecedented level of 9.0 on the Richter scale hit Japan which triggered a disastrous tsunami. Elementary disruptions in Japan's nuclear power stations were set off. The people of Japan have been hit by this to the utmost. Our sympathies and unrestricted solidarity are with the working class and the people in Japan.

In Fukushima the greatest catastrophe in the history of humankind is threatening. Millions of people will be exposed to radiation, the number of deaths, cancer victims and genetic damages of future generations is not foreseeable. All of humanity is affected by this directly or indirectly.

The conduct of the Kan administration and the companies running the nuclear power stations is a crime against humanity for which they have to be made accountable. Even till today, people in the entire world are being kept uninformed and are deliberately being deceived about the risks and dangers. But while Chernobyl is still being justified as having been an outdated type of reactor, the worst-case scenario in Japan is taking place in one of the most modern and supposedly absolutely safest nuclear power plants of the world. Despite the unbelievable risks, the nuclear power corporations in Japan, Russia, France and Germany have plans to gain a leading position on the world market, where about 400 new nuclear power plants are to be built by 2030.Nothing proves more clearly that the international monopolies are knowingly prepared to go over dead bodies for the sake of their profits and take the permanent destruction of entire regions or even continents of the earth into account.

These policies must be brought to fall through worldwide coordinated resistance. The question must be raised with all determination – either imperialism destroys the existential foundations of humanity through a worldwide environmental catastrophe or capitalism will be defeated and the unity of man and nature will be restored with a new upswing in the struggle for socialism.

Let us take the initiative for broad unities of action with a clear anti-imperialist direction against the criminal policy of the nuclear corporations. Let us combine this with a criticism of the capitalist system which always produces new economic, political and ecological crises. Let us organize demonstrations, rallies or events everywhere as part of the construction of a worldwide front of resistance for the preservation of the foundations of life of humanity. The ICOR proposes to organize 26 April, the 25th anniversary of the nuclear catastrophe of Chernobyl, as a worldwide joint day of action.

We are immediately challenged to take action commonly:

  • For an international front of active resistance for the shutdown of all nuclear power stations – worldwide and immediately!

  • Save the environment from the greed for profit of the monopolies!

  • Immediate shutdown of all nuclear facilities at the expense of those who run them – worldwide!

  • Immediate stop of the construction of new nuclear power stations!

  • Immediate promotion of environmentally benign energies!

  • Immediate and unconditional destruction of all nuclear weapons!

  • For an international front of active resistance for the protection of the natural environment!

  • Struggle for a socialist society where the unity of man and nature can be restored!

Signatories (on 11 April 2011, further signatories possible)

ORC Organisation Revolutionnaire du Congo (Revolutionary Organization Congo)

CPSA (ML) Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist)

MLOA Marxist-Leninist Organization of Afghanistan

CPI (ML) Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)

PCC CPI(ML) Provisional Central Committee Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)

INDOREV Indonesia Revolutionary

Ranjbaran Hezb-e Ranjbaran-e Iran (Ranjbaran-Party Iran)

NCP (Mashal) Nepal Communist Party (Mashal)

Gruppa Kommunistov-Revoljucionerov „Krasnyj Klin“, Belarus' (Group of Communist Revolutionaries “Krasny Klin” (“Red Wedge”) Belarus)

23rd September Dvizhenije za Soprotiva "23 Septemvri" Bolgarija (Resistance Movement "23rd September"), Bulgaria

BRP(K) Bulgarska Rabotnicheska Partiya (Komunisti) (Bulgarian Workers Party (Communist))

MLPD Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany)

KOE Kommounistikì Orgànosi Ellàdas (Communist Organisation of Greece)

BP-NK-T Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan-Türkiye) (Bolshevik Party (North Kurdistan-Turkey)

KOL Kommunistische Organisation Luxemburg (Communist Organization of Luxemburg)

GML / Rode Morgen (GML / Red Dawn), Netherlands

TF Tjen folket -kommunistik forbund (TF) (Serve the people - Communist League), Norway

Marxist-Leninist Platform (Marxist-Leninist Platform), Russia

MLGS Marxistisch-Leninistische Gruppe Schweiz (Marxist-Leninist Group of Switzerland)

PR Partija Rada (Party of Labour), Serbia

Spolocnost Vedeckého Komunizmu (Society of Scientific Communism), Slovakia

KSC-CSSP Komunisticka Strana Cheskoslovenska – Cheskoslovenska Strana Prace (Communist Party of Czechoslovakia – Czechoslovakian Workers Party), Czech Republic

TIKB Türkiye İhtilalci Komünistler Birliği (The Union of Revolutionary Communists of Turkey)

MLKP Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye / Kuzey Kürdistan (Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey / North Kurdistan)

KSRD Koordinazionnyj Sojuz Rabotschewo Dvizhenija; Ukraina (Coordination Council of Working-class Movement of Ukraine)

PC (AP) Partido Comunista Chileno (Acción Proletaria) (Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action))

PC (ML) Partido Comunista (Marxista Leninista) (Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)), Dominican Republic

PC/ML Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) de Panamá (Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Panama)

PCP-I Partida Communista Paraguayo (Independiente) (Paraguayan Communist Party (Independent))

PML del Peru Partido Marxista Leninista del Peru (Marxist-Leninist Party of Peru)

PPP Partido Proletario del Peru (Proletarian Party of Peru)

ROL Revolutionary Organisation of Labor, USA (with the exception of the call for a joint day of action on April 26th)

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