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Save the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists!

by Indonesia Revolutionary, 4 December 2010
Save the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists!


Climate change not only brought misery to all the inhabitants of the earth. It even has made the earth is getting damaged and destroyed. Earth, the only planet where all life, is now on the verge of extinction. The chain of life has been marred by very banal. Exploitation of nature by international monopoly capitalists have destroyed the ecosystem of the environment and the earth where humans tread only.

To day on 4th December 2010 is the International Environment Day. Our country, Indonesia, which is one of the richest lands of natural resources, attracts much by monopoly capitalist. They are running some exploitation practices, not only in surface soil but also into beneath of the earth. Began at year 1967, after military fascist regime coups d’etat (1965), they were digging up and doing dredge to search for oil, coal and some other mineral deposit. Their action absolutely is protected by Indonesian government laws. It is a very reactionary law and fully following the rules of global investment regime that force Indonesia to open as widest as much to foreign investors, through share ownership up to 100% and full protection for rights of foreign investors and made Indonesia completely as a neocolonial country.

Below are some cases of environmental damaging involving monopoly capitalists as the main actors and Indonesian reactionary government as its comprador agents.

Richest of mineral deposit has maSave the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists!de Indonesia as an important target of some international monopoly capitalists. FreeporSave the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists!t Company owned by Trans National Corporations/ TNCs which is based in USA operated their big business by the early year of 1967, immediately after the signing of the Act of Foreign Investment 1967. They are highly advantaged by this Act. The establishment of Freeport Company much contaminates to Papua land by its wastes. They contaminate environment very violently. Wastes of mining gold and copper are polluting the rivers near the mines so that it difficult for native people to obtain clean water. Whereas Freeport Company has produced 420 million tons of industrial waste, which is 95 percent discharged into the valley Wanagon in Grasberg, Papua. Mining company Freeport Indonesia is a majority of its shares owned by Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. The company is the largest gold producing company in the world through the Grasberg mine. Freeport Indonesia has conSave the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists!ducted exploration in Papua in two places, namely mine Erstberg of 1967 and the Grasberg mineSave the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists! in 1988, exactly the region of copper castle in Papua province, Indonesia. This company is protected and strongly defended by Indonesian Save the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists!reactionarySave the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists! government supported by the military. The only advantages for people are environmental damages and destructions of decent life expectancy.

The impact of the development of oil palm plantations and illegal logging in a big scale by the capitalist monopoly corporations, actually damaged the physical of rainforests and social environment . It causes malignant environmental disasters in Indonesia hemisphere. Loss of irreplaceable value and exceptional magnitude is due to natural damage caused. So, there is none of this advantages that absolutely create peoples’ prosperity.

Beside its environmental impact, the most serious one is afflicted to humankind. The fact that at least 850 milliSave the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists!on people living in villages in colonized countries, included Indonesia, does not have access to safe water for drinking, cooking, and washing. WateSave the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists!r sources are contaminated with toxic chemicals and heavy metal that has been difficult to remove by using standard purification techniques. It was also reported that the use of contaminated water has caused millions of people died and more than one billion people sick every year.

Indonesia Revolutionary calls on all revolutionary elements and organizations of Indonesian people to launch campaign with various initiatives to save the environment from the world climate catastrophe through hard struggle against the local and international monopoly capitalists/imperialists with their greed for profit policies as the main actors and Indonesian reactionary government as its comprador agents.

Let us save the environment from the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists’ Greed Profit!

Crash Climate Protection Program at the Expense of the International Monopolies!

Fight for a new democracy to socialist society where the unity of humankind and nature can be restored!

Save the Environment from the Greed for Profit of the Local and International Monopoly Capitalists!


Indonesia, December 4th, 2010

Indonesia Revolutionary




