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Website of the ICOR

Decision of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010

The ICOR establishes a website to serve the following goals:

  • Public representation of the ICOR as international organizational form, its decisions, its joint projects and political statements

  • To win over new member organizations by information about the activities and developments of the ICOR

  • Mutual information and lively exchange between the ICOR members

  • Possibility for communication for parties and organizations, international organizations and alliances and individuals with the ICOR.

The website publishes exclusively contributions that are in accordance with the spirit of the ICOR.

Each party/organization can place an article/information in the portal once a month and decides itself on the selection.

The political, organizational and legal responsibility for the website rests with the ICC. It is recommended to the Continental and Regional Coordinating Committees to proceed in the same way to ensure a continental and regional responsibility for the website.

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