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Support of the Workers’ Struggles in Iran

Resolution of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010

The ruling classes in Iran are suppressing the workers’ organizations and activists there.

Mahmoud Salehi, a well known worker activist, together with five other activists got arrested on May Day 2006. Since 1997 Salehi has spent seven years in jail. This has affected his health, especially his kidney.

Similarly the members of the “Sugar Can Union in 7 Tape” were arrested in the past year. Ali Najati with four other worker activists has been in jail for one year.

Reza Shahabi, Mansoor Osanloo and Ibrahim Madadi, members of the “Vahed Syndicate”, are in jail.

Members of the “Coordinating Committee to help form Workers Organization” are being strongly confronted by the regime. Every once in a while they receive invitation from “Etlaat”, the security agency, asking them to cancel their organization.

The ICOR founding conference, in support and defence of the workers’ movement in Iran, strongly condemns the ruling class of Iran and demands that they stop torture and arrests of worker activists.

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