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Statute of the ICOR

ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010

I. Preamble

"Workers of all countries, unite!" – this urgent call of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels at the end of the Communist Manifesto was formulated as the guideline of the liberation struggle of the revolutionary proletariat of the whole world.

The development of the imperialist world system is extremely contradictory:

While the greatest wealth of all times has been accumulated and enormous potentials have matured that make a life in prosperity, health and peace possible for all of humankind, worldwide hunger and mass poverty have reached an unprecedented dimension. The worldwide growth of the working class and the progress of labor productivity are accompanied by the ruination of the existence of peasants on a massive scale, mass unemployment and underemployment. While scientific-technical progress would long make the unity of human life and nature possible, the dramatic changes of the climate are endangering the foundations of human existence.

Never before has the material preparation of flourishing socialist conditions been as mature as it is today. At the same time, the crisis-proneness of the imperialist world system has the tendency to call the human mode of existence into question. The danger of a ravaging imperialist war has been a burden upon humanity for decades; the global environmental crisis is threatening the foundations of human existence; the absence of family of the masses with far-reaching deteriorations, especially with regard to the situation of the women and children, is growing worldwide. The overexploitation of billions of people brought forth the world economic and financial crisis of 2008 that has shaken the world.

All of this is crying out for the replacement of capitalism by a new order in which the productive forces can be used for the benefit of all humankind. The masses of people in the world do not want to sink into capitalist barbarism! The antihuman politics of international finance capital challenges the revolutionary drive of humanity toward a society without exploitation, oppression, misery, environmental destruction and war and which offers a perspective for the youth.

With the decline of the socialist camp through revisionism, the working-class movement suffered the severest defeat in its history. For decades it plunged the international revolutionary movement into a mood of defeatism deeper than ever before and promoted the increase of liquidationism, division and fragmentation among their ranks.

In spite of all that, many revolutionary parties and organizations stood by the revolutionary party building and continued the struggle for national and social liberation. This led to diverse conclusions and experiences in building up new revolutionary and Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations, their growing ability to lead the class struggles, and their beginning international cooperation.

Thus the time has become ripe for a new stage of cross-border cooperation of the international revolutionary and working-class movement and the development of an international united front against imperialism.

We need an organizational form for international cooperation and coordination of the activities of the revolutionaries of the world in revolutionary party building and the class struggle.

The Founding Conference of the ICOR follows the insight of Lenin, the brilliant leader of the world's first socialist state, that proletarian internationalism can only be realized in the necessary forms of organization:

"Capital is an international force. To vanquish it, an international workers’ alliance, an international workers' brotherhood, is needed." (Lenin Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 30, pages 291-297 “Letter to the Workers and Peasants of the Ukraine Apropos of the Victories over Denikin”, 1920)

ICOR unites different parties and organizations with equal rights being very different in respect of their size, their practical, organizational and political experiences, their historical-ideological roots, strategic task and social-economic conditions. They have to cooperate respectfully and learn from each other for their joint struggle.

To realize its goals the Founding Conference of the ICOR has adopted the following statute:

II. Name

International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR)


III. Structure


A. World Conference
  1. The supreme organ of the ICOR is the World Conference of the representatives of all parties and organizations belonging to the ICOR. The World Conference convenes every three years. In voting, each member organization has one vote.

    The World Conference has a quorum if more than 50 percent of the member organizations are represented and an invitation was sent to every member organization at least three months before. If due to special conditions and justified reasons the minimum number of participants of more than 50 percent cannot be reached, a legitimation of at least 50 percent of the member organizations should exist. As an absolute minimum for the quorum, however, more than one third of the member organizations have to be represented. In addition, for the quorum at least two delegations of each continent have to be present.

  1. At the beginning the World Conference adopts an agenda and rules of procedure for holding the conference. It is led by a presidium which is elected at the conference. The World Conference is prepared, held and financed multilaterally.

    The World Conference takes place on the basis of equal rights and duties of observing the commonly adopted conference rules of procedure.

    The main conference language is English. The conference organizes further translations if possible.

    The World Conference elects the International Coordinating Committee for coordinating the work of the ICOR between the world conferences, and an auditor.

    In the voting on fundamental documents the conference aspires to decide about them on the basis of consensus. Principled ideological questions and fundamental political issues are not subject to a vote. However, in questions of practical necessity, concerning the founding documents and after an extensive discussion, respecting ideological-political differences, a majority decision can be taken. This requires a minimum of 80 percent of the votes of the present delegates. All resolutions on current affairs can be adopted by a simple majority. Parity of votes is regarded as rejected.

    Each member organization of the ICOR is autonomous and independent in adopting and implementing common projects. It is responsible independently for the realization of the respective tasks in the class struggle and in revolutionary party building and must reliably keep made promises.


B. Continental Conference

At the beginning of the common work of the ICOR Continental Conferences should be held in Africa, America, Asia (including Australia/Oceania) and Europe.

In voting, each member organization has one vote.

The conference language is determined according to the respective Continental Conferences.

The respective Continental Conferences elect the Continental Coordinating Committee (CCC) and an auditor.

Otherwise the rules for the World Conference are valid accordingly.


C. Regional Conference

With the extension of the activities of the ICOR and the number of its member organizations a subdivision of the continents into suitable regions should be made. An understanding about the number of subdivisions has to be established with the highest organ of the ICOR.


D. International Coordinating Committee (ICC)

The ICC is the coordinating center of the ICOR in the time between
the World Conferences for the coordination of the activities of its member organizations and represents the ICOR in public.

The ICC consists of at least seven and not more than nine members who have the same rights and duties. These members will be proposed to the World Conference by the respective parties and organizations and elected by it. The respective parties and organizations to which the elected ICC members belong take the collective responsibility for the performance of tasks of the members in the ICC.

Proxy representation of a member is possible. Each member organization can also recall its member from the ICC for serious reasons and replace him/her accordingly. However, he/she must belong to the same organization and an explicit, written authorization by the leadership of the respective party or organization must be submitted.

Each continent should be represented by at least one representative in the ICC. The Continental Conferences each send a representative to the ICC, who must be confirmed by her/his party or organization. They also determine a deputy in reserve, who also must be confirmed as well.

The ICC works on the instructions of the World Conference and to implement its decisions. It cannot make any decisions on fundamental principles and political main questions. However, in connection with the coordination of the common work of the ICOR members, the ICC has the duty to work out declarations and proposals for the practical work of the member organizations and, if necessary, to bring them to a decision by a consultative procedure.

The ICC holds meetings regularly and comes together at least once
a year. Authorized minutes of the meetings will be taken.

It has a quorum if at least half of the members are present.

The ICC can invite other members of the ICOR to its meetings. However, these do not have the right to vote in the ICC.

The ICC renders account for its activities in writing at the World Conference.

The Financial Officer gives a cash report at the World Conference, the auditors do the same.

The ICC elects from its ranks the Main Coordinator, the Deputy Main
Coordinator and the Financial Officer, who together form the secretariat
of the ICOR.

The Main Coordinator and his/her deputy are the main representatives of the ICOR and bound by the decisions of the ICOR World Conference.


E. Continental Coordinating Committee (CCC)

The ICC rules apply accordingly to the respective Continental Coordinating Committee (CCC).

The respective Continental Conferences themselves decide on the number of its members.

The CCC elects from its ranks the Continental Coordinator, the
Continental Deputy Coordinator and the Financial Officer, who together form the secretariat of the CCC.

The Continental Coordinator, or, if he/she is unable to attend, his/her deputy, is invited to the meetings of the ICC.


F. Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC)

The ICC rules apply accordingly to the respective Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC).

The respective Regional Conferences themselves decide on the number of its members.

The RCC elects from its ranks the Regional Coordinator, the
Regional Deputy Coordinator and the Financial Officer, who together form the secretariat of the RCC.

The Regional Coordinator, or, if he/she is unable to attend, his/her deputy, is invited to the meetings of the ICC.



IV. On membership in the ICOR


A. General notes
  1. The membership of ICOR consists of independent and self-reliant parties and organizations from different countries of the world.

  2. The precondition for membership in the ICOR is the recognition of the principles and basic decisions of the World Conference.

  3. The recognition of the principles and basic decisions of the world conference and the self-commitment to their realization are voiced by the respective member organization itself. The membership in the ICOR is confirmed by the decision-taking assembly. An ideological-political qualification by ICOR does not take place.

  4. Admission of member organizations to the ICOR takes place through an admission procedure which is adopted by the World Conference of the ICOR by a qualified majority of 80 percent of the votes of the delegates present.

  5. Membership in the ICOR is tied to equal rights and duties of the member organizations.

  6. The consensual coordination and cooperation of its independent and self-reliant members is the common organizational principle of the ICOR.

  7. Common tasks will be discussed and decided in the respective bodies of the ICOR according to their scope (world, continent, region).

B. Conditions for membership
  1. The common ground for membership in the ICOR is the revolutionary character of the respective member organization.

  2. That includes different ideological-political opinions and foundations of the individual member organizations, as far as they do not contain any antagonistic contradiction to the character of the ICOR.

  3. The common strategic goal of the ICOR member organizations is
    overcoming the imperialist capitalist world system and realizing socialist societal relations.

  4. The common strategic objective of the ICOR can be pursued in the respective countries and by the member organizations with different strategies and tactics which are to be decided upon only by the member organizations in the individual countries.

  5. A basic condition for membership in the ICOR is

  • real revolutionary work in the respective countries among and with the masses of the exploited and oppressed;

  • class-militant politics and the rejection of class collaboration with the ruling monopolies and their puppets;

  • the recognition of the revolutionary change of the societal relations and the necessity of the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, no matter in which form;

  • a clear dividing-line to revisionism, Trotskyism and anarchism as well as any form of anticommunism like the hostile attacks and bourgeois smear campaign against so-called "Stalinism" or "Maoism" and the dictatorship of the proletariat;

  • the recognition and realization of proletarian internationalism as the
    common tie for the theory and practice of the international coordination and the cooperation of the member organizations in party building and class struggle.


C. Rights and duties of the member organizations
  1. Each member organization has the right to

  • participate and play an active part in the mutual coordination
    and cooperation
    on the international, continental and regional levels;

  • participate in the events and conferences and take part in the common activities of the ICOR and to make proposals for them;

  • take part in the elections of the responsible organs and be elected to them;

  • participate in the decision-making conferences with a right to vote according to the distribution of delegates;

  • turn immediately to every other member organization of the ICOR in order to cooperate in a special form, to discuss objectively or to give hints as far as that does not mean any interference in the internal affairs of the other member organization;

  • refrain from approving controversial questions and to decide independently and if necessary against the implementation of commonly adopted decisions in one's own country, with corresponding respect for the opinion of the majority in the ICOR;

  • unite with any other organizations also outside of the ICOR and/or to participate in other unions as long as they are not explicitly directed against the ICOR;

  • participate according to the agreed rules in the common publications.


  1. Each member organization has the duty

  • to actively support the gradual ideological-political unification of the ICOR in all essential questions on the basis of the common political platform and to encourage the initiative for that,

  • to practice steadfast solidarity and mutual practical aid, according to its possibilities,

  • to practice a proletarian culture of debate among the member organizations,

  • of mutual respect, of preservation of independence, of non-interference in the internal affairs of the other member organizations, and observance of equal rights,

  • to reliably keep to consensually reached agreements,

  • to participate in the self-financing of the ICOR according to
    its possibilities.


D. Admission or expulsion procedure
  1. Admission to the ICOR normally takes place consensually.

  2. Objections to admission must be raised on the basis of the principles of the ICOR and not, for example, on the grounds of bilateral differences of opinion that do not affect the tasks of the ICOR.

  3. For the admission the applying party or organization has to declare its agreement concerning the principles of the ICOR and introduce itself to the ICOR in a written form.

  4. Admission takes place consensually through the responsible regional conference or, if none exists yet, through the continental conference. To this aim the Coordinating Committee responsible organizes a consultative procedure with the member organizations of that region or continent. If no consensus can be reached in this manner, the next regional conference, or continental conference respectively, can decide with at least 80 percent majority.

  5. Withdrawal from the ICOR is made by a written and authorized declaration.

  6. The expulsion of a member organization is effected on request of one or several member organizations. This request must be substantiated in writing. 80 percent of the member organizations entitled to vote must consent to the expulsion.


V. Finances

  1. The ICOR is financially independent. It finances its common work itself.
    Having confidence in the masses it opens up financial resources for its activities.

  2. The financial independence exists in the same way in the relationships between the parties and organizations belonging to the ICOR.

  3. Each member organization commits itself to making a financial contribution to the form of organization and the work of the ICOR according to its possibilities. This includes mutual support in solidarity.

  4. Each member organization is supposed to pay for this purpose an annual contribution to the ICOR quantified by the organization itself.

  5. Each member organization commits itself to developing initiatives for the financial strengthening of ICOR. Part of this are contributions in form of donations and donation actions, contributions in kind, gains from the sale of revolutionary literature and similar opportunities.

  6. The financial means of ICOR are administered by the respective Coordinating Committees. For this purpose the Continental or Regional Coordinating Committees and the International Coordinating Committee elect a financial officer
    from their midst. The Continental or Regional Conferences and the World Conference elect auditors.

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