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Solidarity with the Protest against “Stuttgart 21”

Resolution of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010

The ICOR declares its solidarity with the resistance of the people of Stuttgart against the “Stuttgart 21” project, which makes absolutely no sense in terms of transportation, social and environmental policy.

We condemn in particular the various methods employed by the ruling circles – be it manipulation or deceit, be it the brutal, militarized use of police force – to break the justified protest of the people, which is spreading throughout the country.

The implementation of this project does not accord in the least with the interests of the people, but solely with the interests of the industrial and financial corporations who profit from it and who serve the interests of all the monopoly capitalists within the EU.

We therefore declare our international solidarity with the legitimate resistance of the population of Stuttgart (“Wir sind das Volk!” – “We are the people!”), whom we assure of our greatest possible support.

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