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India: Observe Fourth December As Environment Day

CPI(ML) India writes in Red Star, Platform For Communist Revolutionaries,Central Organ of CPI(ML),Volume 11 November 2010 Issue 11 English Monthly
When Dec 04, 2010
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Observe Fourth December
As Environment Day

THE CALL of the International Conference of

Marxist Leninist Parties and Organisations

(ICMLPO) on 14th October to observe the

International Environment Day on Fourth

December as a militant day of opposing the

imperialist led ‘development’ policies which are

devastating the nature and threatening the very

survival of human race itself is of great

significance. In an approach paper presented to

the Conference the CPI(ML) had stated that

under capitalism every thing including science

and technology is used is used for accumulating

capital and profit. Capitalism has greatly

enhanced the exploitation of nature by man This

is more so after World War II and especially after

the introduction of imperialist globalization. What

is required is an alternative development

perspective which shall ensure progress on an

egalitarian basis along with maintaining ecological

balance. As imperialism will not allow such an

alternative development system so long as it is in

dominance it can be put into practice only by

overthrowing the imperialist system.

The representatives of Marxist-Leninist Parties

and Organisations from all continents who

participated in the Conference explained how the

imperialist powers and their lackeys have

destroyed the environment in the name of

development. The fossil fuels are used at an

alarmingly increasing rate leading to depletion of

ozone cover. The increasing number of nuclear

power plants are also posing great danger. But

the NGOs and imperialist think tanks are

spreading the folly that the problem can be solved

within the system itself through reforms as they

are propagating that the problems of the havenots

can be solved through ‘inclusive growth’. So

the discussion reached the conclusion that it is

the task before the revolutionary forces to expand

their struggle against imperialist barbarity and

comprador ruling systems to evolve an alternative

development perspective with socialist values.

The Conference called on all associate members

to launch a vigorous campaign against present

imperialist policies that destroy the environment

as a part of the class struggle to overthrow the

very exploitative system itself.

The CPI(ML) Central Committee had already

called for intensifying the struggle against

imperialist development policies and to intensify

the movement for environmental protection. It has

called on all party committees to observe the 4th

December as Environment Day based on the

resolutions of the Party Central Committee and

the call of the ICMLPO.

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