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Joint Days of Struggle

Decision of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010

The members of ICOR commit themselves to and call upon the working class and the masses of the people worldwide to observe consciously and jointly the following four international days of action each year:

  1. May Day has been the international day of struggle of the working class for over 100 years. It was instituted by the Founding Congress of the Second Socialist International in 1889 in Paris. The occasion was the bloody suppression of the struggle of the workers in Chicago for the eight-hour day on the 1 of May 1886.

  2. March 8 as international day of struggle for the liberation of women. This day goes back to a decision of the International Socialist Women’s Conference in Copenhagen in 1910.

  3. In every country, in accordance with the respective traditions, either May 8/9, August 6 or September 1 shall take place as an international day of struggle against fascism and war. May 8, 1945, was the day on which Hitlerite fascism was defeated; on August 6, 1945, the first nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and September 1, 1939, was the first day of the Second World War.

  4. At the beginning of December an international day of struggle to save the natural environment should take place. International days of action against the climate catastrophe have been taking place at this time since 2005. In December 2009, in over 100 countries a mass protest took place against the World Climate Summit in Copenhagen. The international day of struggle to save the natural environment promotes an international front of active resistance to rescue the environment.

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