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Germany: Activities on the occasion of the joint international day of struggle to save the natural environment

To ICC ICOR. Activities (in Germany) on the occasion of the joint international day of struggle to save the natural environment on December 4, 2010. (submitted by MLPD)
When Dec 04, 2010
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According to the resolution of ICOR, in Germany MLPD, her youth organization REBELL and the children's organization ROTFÜCHSE (Red Foxes) will develop manifold activities particularly seeking cooperation and unity of action with others for this joint day of struggle. In face of the broad, manifold and diverse environmental initiatives for local and regional issues, the MLPD in her activities especially promotes the strengthening of the ueberparteilich and nationwide „Citizens' Movement for Cryogenic Recycling, Closed-loop Economy and Climate Protection.“

For December 4th the MLPD itself published a nationwide flyer under the slogan „Active resistance against the destruction of the foundations of our life by the capitalist greed for profits.!“ It will be used in the rank and file work in the neighborhoods, at the different activities and in front of and within many important industrial plants. We especially stress the importance of debating about the responsibility of the working class in the environmental struggle in factory and union and promote initiatives for the struggle to save the environment and for the protection of health on the work sites and for jobs.

On the flag of the MLPD the letters „ICOR“ will be affixed and we will use the actions to broadly spread the news about the founding of the ICOR.

In the federal Land Baden-Württemberg in the Land capital Stuttgart for months now a mass struggle against the planned changes in the main train station, the Project 21 is being lead. A further demonstration of the Coalition against S 21 on December 4th has also the focus on the environment. In front of the parliament of Baden-Württemberg actions of the Climate and Environmental Protection Coalition Stuttgart(KUS) will be held. In Mannheim on December 4th, , the communal personal coalition „Mannheim is rising up!“ is organizing a protest action on the Parade Market, which the coalition „100 % Turnaround in Energy“ and the MLPD are part of.

In the federal Land Bavaria nuclear power stations and monopolies who build and run them are concentrated – like Siemens und Areva. Activities are common informations and protest actions in the Land capital Munich and in Nuremberg. In Augsburg is a common demonstration of forces of the environmental movement, the Greenpeace Youth, local migrants organizations and the MLPD, which is especially aimed against the nuclear power plant Grundremmingen.

In Thuringia for some time there has been a cooperation with different environmentalist initiatives and militants, who are turning against genetic engineering and waste incineration plants, but for example also for the preservation of an unique stalactite cave. In Eisenach they are organizing a common action – with informations tables, a rally and open microphone. Part of that will be: 'Citizens' Movement for Cryogenic Recycling, Closed-Loop Economy and Climate Protection Erfurt and Sonneberg, Citizens against Waste Incineration Erfurt, Citizens' Initiative against Waste Combustion in South-West Thuringia, Opponents of the 380-kV-line through the Thuringian forest, Communal Coalition “Aufbruch” (breakup) Eisenach, Youth league REBELL, MLPD.

In Lower Saxony is the Nuclear interim storage Gorleben und nearby Port cities like Bremen/Bremerhaven and Hamburg. The struggle against the nuclear politics of the government and the Castor transports of nuclear waste has here a special importance. Cooperation with militant environmental activists in Russia is being sought against the new government plans to transport the nuclear waste to Russia. In Hamburg there will be actions on December 4th organized by a broad action coalition, where migrants' organizations are taking part as well. The citizens' initiative against dumping carbon dioxide in Husum is preparing an action for December 4 , which possibly can be done together with forces, who are active against the nuclear power station and the construction of three new coal power plants in Brunsbüttel in the same region. The MLPD supports these activities according to their capabilities.

More than 40 interested persons attended a preparatory meeting in Hameln to which the anti-nuclear plenum Weserbergland had invited to prepare common actions for December 4th. With an appeal further supporters are to be won in addition to the organizations and parties attending – BUND, Climate Pirates, Left Party and MLPD.

In North-Rhine-Westfalia, the most populated federal Land there will be two regional highlights in Duisburg. The Climate Coalition Lower Rhine, where about 30 organizations and initiatives, among them the MLPD as well, are cooperating, will conduct a rally at 5 minutes to noon with other environmentalist initiatives on December 4th in front of the construction site of a planned new coal-fired power station. From there a militant demonstration is taking place for saving the natural environment. In other cities there will be actions, like in Bottrop, where an action coalition of BUND, The Greens, Green Youth, the Citizens' Initiative Stop A 52', DKP and MLPD will conduct an action „5 minutes to noon – International Day of World Climate, Climate Protection now!“.

In Rhenania Palatium, in the rural region of the Odenwald there will be a discussion event, where farmers and church representatives will take part as well.

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