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You are here: Home / 2009 / Declaration on the Building of an International Form of Organization for the Coordination of the Work of Autonomous Revolutionary Parties and Organizations

Declaration on the Building of an International Form of Organization for the Coordination of the Work of Autonomous Revolutionary Parties and Organizations

Considering that the focus today must be to join forces of the autonomous revolutionary parties and organizations in the oppressed nations, the dependent countries and the imperialist countries in an adequate way having as common point of reference the coordination and revolutionization of class struggle across national boundaries;

considering that the changes caused by the re-organization of international production have given rise to significant changes in all spheres of life on a worldwide scale, particularly to a conspicuous tendency to the internationalization of class struggle;

considering that it is urgently required for the Marxist-Leninist and working class movement as well as for the entire anti-imperialist movement to adapt itself to these changes and that finally an entire system of existing or yet to be developed international and regional forms of organizations for the coordination and revolutionization of the struggles of the workers, of the oppressed peoples and of all anti-imperialist movements will emerge;

we, the undersigned, commit ourselves to take the initiative for the formation of a coordinating structure of autonomous revolutionary organizations and parties in the struggle against imperialism and for socialism. We ask everyone who are interested in that to submit constructive proposals, experiences and initiatives for the building of such a new form of organization.

A group will be entrusted to sum-up proposals in order to initiate the first steps. This group should – as far as possible – represent all continents.

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