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Closing resolution of the first European conference to build up the ICOR

First regional conference of the joint initiative of revolutionary parties and organizations for building up an "international form of organization for coordinating the tasks in Marxist-Leninist party building and class struggle" (ICOR) in Europe December 2008

Closing resolution of the first European conference to build up the ICOR



The first European conference to build up the ICOR successfully took place on December 12-13, 2008.

Participants were from Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Luxembourg, the Ukraine and from France.

In a constructive and open discussion on the tasks, principles, working methods and the main focus of its work, the conference attained unity and so took a first step for creating a regional coordination of revolutionary parties and organizations for party building and class struggle.


The conference set itself tasks for preparing a second conference in 2009 and calls upon further revolutionary parties and organizations to participate in this process.

The main focus of work at the second conference shall be placed on reaching unity in the evaluation of the European Union and the tasks in party building and class struggle, as well as proposals for the European conference for founding the ICOR.


Adopted unanimously by the participants of the Regional Conference of ICOR in Europe

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